Friday, July 2, 2010

1 Day Trip

aneh juga,gw punya kepikiran untuk nulis sesuatu di Blog,padahal sebelumnya jarang terlintas di pikiran gw untuk menulis.. -__-' Well,ini pertama kalinya gw ngeliat-liat blog temen-temen gw, dan gw baca... well,most of them are good.. :) i want to share my late vacation at Semak Daun Island..i have been to some islands like Onrust Island, Rambut Island, Untung Jawa Island, Pramuka Island, etc.. Three of us (me, Sammy, Dimas) went to semak daun Island from Muara Angke Harbour.

Sun Rise at Muara Angke Harbour

the Boat cost 30.000 rupiah,well sometimes 35.000, that depends (i don't understand either) ahha, weird huh.. :) that cost just from Muara Angke harbour to Pramuka Island or Untung Jawa Island and if we want to go to Semak Daun Island, we have to take another boat from Pramuka Island or Untung Jawa Island,well that Cost more expensive because we had to pay about 100.000 rupiah each.. -__-' haha.. when we arrived to Semak Daun Island,i thought the Island is BIG, but you have to know that the Island is so Small, it's Smaller than my Campus, cool huh.. there's no electricity totally wild..

Semak Daun Island

Semak Daun Dock

we stayed at tent and if we want to eat,we have to huh... :p and we spend all day with swimming and Taking photos, well Sammy & Dimas are my senior Photographer.. Well, I think that enough for now...hope my english is good, and easy to understand.. :) these are the Photos

Hope i can write more.. :)


  1. waww keren juga pulaunya, kayaknya private gitu ya. Btw dateng ke pesta blogger gak sabtu besok?

  2. Cantika Felder :

    iya,totally private..
    oh,sabtu ini saya tidak bisa, ada acara bike to work... :)

    Thanks for the comment... :)
    Cheers... :)

  3. waah boleh dicoba juga nih, kayaknya lebih bagus daripada pulau tidung ya :)

  4. wah,saya belum pernah ke tidung...tapi katanya di p.tidung udah ada pemukiman-nya ya...
    kalau saya kurang suka yg ramai... :)
    tapi kalau buat objek foto sih pgn juga kesana,tapi belum sempat..
    coba aja ke semak's awesome !! :D
